The Ultimate Fusion of CMS & Gedcom


Simple Registration

This page represents the simple registration form provided by the TNGWP Frontend Users plugin. It uses JavaScript for inline form validation, server-side validation on submit, and integrates Google ReCaptcha v.3 for spam protection. The ReCaptcha site key is entered as an option on the plugin’s admin page. This form is very simple and doesn’t require verification that the new user is related to anyone in the family tree(s).

Your Information

Note: Required fields are shown in colored italic

Usernames cannot begin with a number and should not contain any punctuation characters (no . , : ; ' " ! \ / [ ] { } + - )

Usernames cannot begin with a number and should not contain any punctuation characters (no . , : ; ' " ! \ / [ ] { } + - )

Please make sure you are not blocking mail from the this domain to ensure email from us does not end up in a spam or junk folder.

Passwords must be between 12 and 20 characters and include Upper Case letters, lower case letters, 1-3 numbers, and 1-2 of these symbols: !@%$?

Please make sure you save your password in a protected location.

Additional Information Note: To request a new tree, leave this blank and give details in the next field.